We Are the Friends

Founded in 1968, the Friends of the Chula Vista Library is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the support of the Chula Vista Public Library through advocacy, fundraising and volunteerism.
The Friends provide volunteers and financial assistance for many of the programs and services at the Civic Center, Otay Ranch, and South Chula Vista libraries. The Friends sponsor cultural events, underwrite summer reading programs for children and adults, and provide presentations to local schools and community groups.If you agree that our libraries and museum are a vital resource in our community, we invite you to join the Friends today.
The Friends provide volunteers and financial assistance for many of the programs and services at the Civic Center, Otay Ranch, and South Chula Vista libraries. The Friends sponsor cultural events, underwrite summer reading programs for children and adults, and provide presentations to local schools and community groups.If you agree that our libraries and museum are a vital resource in our community, we invite you to join the Friends today.
Adopt a Chair, Support Your Library
Click here to download the fund-raising flier. Click here to see the chairs that have already been named. And click here to reserve your chair today. (But hurry: There are only 66 seats available out of 154 seats!)
Save the Date for the Friends Annual MeetingYou are invited to the Friends Annual Meeting on Sunday, February 5, 2023 from 2:00pm-4:00pm at the Civic Center Library. The meeting will include a presentation about the new, free exhibit in the Chula Vista Heritage Museum, “Filipinos of the South Bay”, a performance by PASACAT, and Filipino food. Non-Friends members are also invited to this free event. No RSVP required.
Free Family Museum PassesCheck out the library's free family museum passes for adults and children. Each pass is good for a week, and is available for checkout to library cardholders at each library branch's Accounts Desk. They may also be reserved in advance via the library's website:www.chulavistalibrary.com
The San Diego Museum of Art, 1450 El Prado in Balboa Park, allows two adults and up to four children under the age of 18 to visit. It also gives visitors a 10% discount at The Museum Store, Bibliotique and Panama 66 Restaurant. The Living Coast Discovery Center, in the Sweetwater Marsh National Wildlife Refuge, offers its pass for two adults and two children. The New Children's Museum, at 200 W. Island Ave, allows two adults and all children in the household to enter. The San Diego Museum of Man, located at 1350 El Prado in Balboa Park, offers admission to two adults and up to four children. |
Museum Exhibit: Filipinos of the South Bay, is open
This exhibit focuses on The “Filipinos of SouthBay”. This exhibit “provides a glimpse of the journey of Filipino migrants from the Philippines to South San Diego County from
1900 through 2005, telling the common threads of connection, community, and contributions reflective of the Bayanihan Spirit (communal unity) and value of Kapwa (shared identity).” The exhibit runs through December 2023. The exhibit is funded part by the Local Heritage Museum Chapter of the Friends of the Chula Vista Library, a County Community Enhancement Grant from the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. |
Need a Gift? It's in the Bag!
Looking for the perfect gift for your intelligent, discerning, book-loving friends and relatives? You can demonstrate that you are equally intelligent and discerning by giving a membership to the Friends of the Chula Vista Library. One-year memberships are available for as little as $10. You can even give them a bright red FCVL book bag for $5!
Click here to make your donation through our secure website. Or download a form you can print and send us with your check. Either way, your gift is a tax-deductible donation to the Friends and the perfect way to support the library programs you love. |
Already a Friend? You will receive a bag, too, when you renew at the $50 Patron level or above any time during 2018. Thank you! (11/15/15)
And As Long As You're Shopping . . .
You can support the Friends when you shop online, any time of the year. Simply visit the Amazon Smile website next time you shop on Amazon. However, this program will be ending February 20, 2023. Your account settings (and those Amazon prices) are the same, but purchases through the Smile site merit a 0.5 percent donation to the charity of your choice. On your first visit, select the Friends of the Chula Vista Library as your charity and then shop as usual, knowing that your shopping spree is helping to fund the library programs and services you love. (Of course, you can still donate to the Friends by sending us a good old-fashioned check or clicking on our Donate button. The library gets 100 percent of that gift!) (12/10/15)
Annual Report Highlights Library Achievements
From traditional activities like the Summer Reading Program to high-tech innovations like Zinio and Tutor.com, the Chula Vista Public Library continued to make great strides in meeting the needs of the community during the past fiscal year.
Some highlights:
Click here to download the full report.
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
The Chula Vista Public Library has joined the "1,000 Books Before Kindergarten" initiative, which encourages parents to read at least 1,000 books to their children by age 5. Children who are read to regularly have an easier time learning to read and achieve a higher level of success throughout their school careers.
REAL Card for Kindergarteners and 1st Graders
All kindergarten and first graders in Chula Vista got a special Chula Vista Public Library card in their in enrollment packets. It is called the REAL Card. They can use their REAL card at any Chula Vista Public Library to get started. Children can take home two library books for free. When they bring them back, they can borrow two more. There are no fines, no fees. No parent registration or signature is required. Their card is good through 6th grade. They can get books and look at Tumblebooks programs online and more! The Friends of the Library are funding $10,000 for new books and materials for this effort.
You're Among Friends . . .
To read more about the Friends, download an issue of our newsletter, Among Friends.
Click below to download our latest issue. |
Friends WantedDo you know someone who would be a good Friend? Spread the word by downloading a copy of our membership brochure.
Last updated 12/4/24